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  • يادداشت : مقصركيست؟
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    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:
    Process of cancer recognition and therapy with water therapy medicine Print E-mail
    A- process of formation cancer tumors :
    Human’s body come into existence of a lot of cells and when human enter poisons regularly and in various ways ‚ such as air pollution ‚ smoking ‚ alcoholic liquors ‚ narcotic substances ‚ infected and unsuitable foods
    (ready foods and factory products which was added increasing chemical matters ) . the use of sprayed vegetables and fruits ( some of different poisons and pesticides which they was not cleaned with washing and disinfectant ‚ because the pesticides and poisons was infiltrated to tissues of plants and fruits ) ‚ drink water pollution ( chlorine ) ‚ stresses and pyschological pressures .
    Human’s body is always removing poisons . when human enter pollutions and poisons in their bodies in some case ‚ the quantity of pollution is very high ‚ which body cannot send them out and in order that this poison do not enter the vital members ‚ such as heart and brain ‚ part of body’s cell start to collect the poisons ‚ and they store the poisons in them ( they swallow the poisons ) until ‚ the poisons don’t hurt to vital members and when those cells don ,t have any space to collect the poisons ‚ they began to increase new cells ‚ until these new cells continue to swallow ‚ they don’t allow to the poisons arrive to vital members and this trend of increasing and growing of new cells for swallowing of poisons continue so much that finally become changed to cancer tumors and cancer was formed . you observe that cancer is a defensive mechanism of body , which it prevent to enter the various poisons to vital members of body . Because , if this poisons , which enter the body , enter immediately the brain , the resultis piping paralysis or death , which the defensive mechanism of body ( increasing of new and added cells for swallow the poisons ) allow to human to delay his death and he have a opportunity to have health .

    B- process of therapy of cancer with new medicine :
    New medicine use surgery for cure the cancer until it remove the cancer cells and he become health and it remove safe cells and tissues and nerves with surgery and because it can not remove basic and principle factor of cancer ( poisons ) , so after period the cancer returns and this tumors in the same part of body , which was captured before or in arround parts , regrow and this time , after incubation period , the patient will be dead .
    New medicine also use chemo therapy , radio therapy to cure the disease , by the use of chemo therapy , it enters fatal chemical drugs in to the body and it causes that total body of patient became full of poisons and it produce gradual poisoning . Because , it is not aim to basic factor of cancer tumors (poisons ) , next time , after incubation period , this tumor was growing with out any signs in that place or in other place and they cause the patient dead .
    C - process of therapy of cancer with water therapy :
    But in water therapy medicine , first the poison was evacuted of cells , and when we send the poisons out of added cells(cancer cells)with water therapy medicine , the body , itself send the increased and added cells out automatically ( when poison was evacuted , body don’t need to this increased cells , then it send this cells out with water ) and finally there is not any poisons nor added cells ( cancer cells ) , which they were produced because of swallowing poisons and thus cancer was cured by water therapy .

    Written by : Hassan Jalalian, specialist of water therapy medicine.

    پست الكترونيكي info@watertherapy.ir
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