وبلاگ :
يادداشت :
نظرات :
خصوصي ،
مشخصات شما ذخيره شود.
متن پيام :
حداکثر 2000 حرف
كد امنيتي:
اين پيام به صورت
ارسال شود.
Yours respectfully
I am Hassan Jalalian, specialist of water therapy medicine, I establish the first and only Internet base of watertherapy medicine (in this special method) in 22/
February/2005 (22/2/2005) in the name of swimmer , which it has now 2700 mem bers.
with atlention to a lot of reception of this method and its special and extraordinary iatric effect of this medicine on incurable illness such as psoriasis cancers, HIV, and also on illness like generic defect,senstivesand infections of womanly venereal system, I decided to iutroduce this method to mortals , by the use of to establish a internet base op watertherapy therapy medicine in English language and to treat the patients all over the world and to save them of pain and illness . This method is based on Cleanliness and pures body,s basis of any poisons and creator Factors of illness.
In this method , according to my special orders, the patient should not eat any Foods or Fruits until 10 to 40 days and he should only drink water (of course,with my Special orders) and I woll care incurable patients with a complete natural Form and without any use of chemical drugs or surgical operation . special points of this method has been addressed in article,s part of site.
I hope all people be heath and lucky and we have had a world Full of kindness and peace and security and love.
I hope mortals enjcy of livings beauty.
I like God, the God of sky and ground , God of goodness and kind God.
I like mortals.
I offer respect and politeness and the best praises.
Hassan jalalian
My characteristics and reminder:
Name :
Hassan Jalalian
Country: Iran
City: Hamedan (capital of mads, tomb of sheikholrais, famous sage and philosopher and physician Bo Ali sina )
Web site :
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